
獨立使用 Eloquent

單獨使用 eloqeunt

laravel mail drivers

laravel mail drivers

Cookie SameSite

Cookie SameSite Strict, Lax, None Chrome 80 將把 SameSite 預設改為 Lax 的影響

Drone CI/CD 筆記

Drone CI/CD

Laravel userd Supervisor monitor queue:work process and automatically restart

使用 Supervisor 監測 php artisan queue:work process,並自動重啟

facebook PHP SDK v5 Exception Sessions are not active

Exception Sessions are not active. Please make sure session_start() is at the top of your script.

PHP magic function __get(), __set(), __isset() 與 empty()

PHP magic function __set, __get, __isset 與 empty()

php 輸出excel 可讀 utf8 中文

php 輸出可讀 utf8 編碼的 excel